Knots of Basic Mountaineering : Learn Something New

1)Overhand Knot:


- To shorten the rope

- To remove damaged part of the rope

- Rope fixing

- Middleman in team climbing

- For self-anchor

2)Riff Knot:

- Can join two ropes

3)Tarbuck Knot:

- Rope fixing knot

4)Bowline Knot:

- Climbing Knot

- Firstman ties it while team climbing

5)Thumb Knot:

- Rope fixing knot

- Safety knot

6)Endman Knot:

- Lastman ties while team climbing

7)Fisherman Knot:

- Rope joining knot

8)Timber Hitch Knot:

- To check the flexibility of the rope

- To test the rope

9)Clove Hitch Knot:

- Rope fixing on Natural Piton

- Rope fixing on Artificial Piton


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